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Annual Events


Each year, our church participates in a number of church-wide annual events, to which everyone is invited. Here is a sampling of some of the gatherings that we enjoy the most.

All-Church Retreat


The All-Church Retreat is a day in which we get out of our normal routine and spend the whole day connecting with God and one another. With food, games, free time, and some devotional sharing, this proves to be one of the best ways to refresh our relationships with God and each other.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?


We really value community at Shalom, and one way that we develop it is by hosting an event called, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" In it, people are randomly assigned to have a meal at someone else's home, in the hopes that we will get to know each other on a more intimate level. 


Peace Fest


Shalom is not the only peace church in  Indianapolis.  Every year, we gather with the Mennonite, Brethren, and Quaker churches in town for a Peace Fest at one of our locations. There, we can share ideas, brainstorm ways that we can work together, worship God, and celebrate our common values. 

Spring/Fall Work Days


We are blessed to worship at a property with several acres of green space. Of course, this requires a significant amount of maintenance. To address this, we set aside two days to work together on big projects that need to be done, both inside and out of our property. It also proves to be a good way to build community.

Thanksgiving Dinner


This past year, we started a new tradition of hosting a Thanksgiving meal at the church. Whether you are spending the holiday with family or by yourself, whether you are a church member or not, we warmly invite you to participte in what is guaranteed to be a bountiful feast. You will feel at home immediately.

Christmas Banquet


For many years, we have had a tradition of singing Christmas carols to the residents of the Arlington Woods neighborhood, followed by a warm Christmas Banquet inside the church. This is a great way to get in the Christmas spirit. As always, anyone is invited to participate!


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